Jefferson Barracks National Cemetery preserves St. 路易’ fascinating role in U.S. military 历史.

Military History

Know the Past to Understand the Present

At historic places and military sites throughout the region, you can experience the settings, characters and stories that detail St. 路易’ fascinating role in U.S. 历史. 十大彩票网赌平台新鲜的,很少报道的信息,把过去带到最前沿.

The sun shines in Carondelet Park.

Founded by French explorers in 1767 and annexed by St. 路易 city in 1870, Carondelet was once a melting pot of Spanish, 意大利, Irish and Hungarian immigrants. Its 历史 contains interesting tidbits; for instance, 南北战争期间,联邦军用来征服密西西比河的铁甲舰就是由詹姆斯·B·林肯(James B. Eads, who also built the famous St. 路易 bridge that now bears his name. 这位世界著名的美国土木工程师和发明家被埋葬在 Bellefontaine Cemetery and Arboretum这里也是10名荣誉勋章获得者的长眠之地.

Calvary Cemetery preserves St. 路易' military 历史.

髑髅地公墓占地470英亩,是密苏里州最大的公墓. It contains the graves of former slave Dred Scott, Civil War general William Tecumseh Sherman, 美国剧作家田纳西·威廉姆斯和美国作家凯特·肖邦. 如果你把各各他公墓,贝勒方丹公墓和植物园之间的边界消除, 埋葬在这里的美国南北战争期间指挥军队的将军比阿灵顿国家公墓和西点军校加起来还要多.

贝尔方丹堡有一个宏伟的楼梯,反映了十大最大的网络彩票平台' military 历史.

Established in 1805, 贝尔方丹堡是向西探索新获得的路易斯安那领土的探险队的中转站. On the return trip to St. 1806年,路易斯和克拉克远征队也在这里度过了最后一晚. Until it was replaced by Jefferson Barracks in 1826, Fort Belle Fontaine was an important gathering place for officers and enlisted men; Native Americans; French, Spanish and American settlers; trappers and traders; and the local farmers and businesspeople who supplied the fort with necessities. Today, the fort is gone, but you can still visit the site. Follow the three-mile Lewis & Clark Interpretive Trail along the Missouri River, 贝尔方丹泉和冷水溪,穿过50英亩的高地草原和湿地,展现了土地和野生动物的美丽, which Lewis and Clark would have observed on their journey.


Selected for its strategic geographic location, Jefferson Barracks opened in 1826, becoming the first permanent U.S. Army base west of the Mississippi River. 到19世纪40年代, it was the largest military establishment in the country, and during the Civil War, it served as a training post for the Union Army. Consisting of more than 310 acres, 杰斐逊兵营国家公墓于1866年正式建立. 这个墓地俯瞰着雄伟的密西西比河,里面埋葬着美国所有主要军事基地的士兵.S. conflicts, beginning with the Revolutionary War.


Utilizing thousands of artifacts, including documents and weapons, 密苏里内战博物馆在解释密苏里州在美国内战中的复杂角色方面做了一项值得称赞的工作. Located within Jefferson Barracks Park, 这家非营利性教育机构拥有美国最大的内战研究图书馆之一.


The Gateway Arch is a sight to see. 虽然十大彩票网赌平台强烈建议乘坐有轨电车到630英尺高的纪念碑顶部, 十大彩票网赌平台也敦促你去探索隐藏在它下面的丰富故事. The Museum at the Gateway Arch offers a free, innovative and accessible experience, showcasing more than 200 years of St. 路易 历史. If you’re particularly interested in military 历史, visit the interactive gallery titled Manifest Destiny. In the mid-1800s, many Americans believed that the U.S. had a God-given right to expand. By war or by treaty, the U.S. was determined to move west. 在美国之后.S. 它吞并了德克萨斯,但继续与墨西哥争夺边界,引发了美墨战争. Learn more about the different perspectives of the war here.

One of the most important historic sites in the U.S., the Old Courthouse in downtown St. 路易斯是著名的德雷德和哈里特·斯科特案件于1847年首次审理的地方.

One of the most important historic sites in the U.S., the Old Courthouse in downtown St. 路易斯是著名的德雷德和哈里特·斯科特案件于1847年首次审理的地方. 美国.S. Supreme Court’s ruling in 1857 claimed the U.S. 宪法没有将美国公民身份扩大到非洲黑人后裔, 因此, 他们就不能享有宪法赋予美国公民的权利和特权, 包括不受联邦政府或法院的保护. 该意见还指出,国会无权在联邦领土上禁止奴隶制. 这一具有里程碑意义的决定摧毁了自由州和蓄奴州之间微妙的协议, increasing antislavery sentiment in the North, creating national anger and feeding sectional strife, 最终导致了1861年内战的爆发.

The Old Courthouse is temporarily closed amid a $27.5 million renovation led by St. 路易-based Tarlton Corporation, which will focus on increasing accessibility for all visitors, structural improvements and new exhibitory. 重新开放将包括一个名为德雷德·斯科特:勇气的遗产的展览.


Located in downtown St. 路易, 这座最先进的博物馆是为了纪念当地的军人, veterans and their families. 密苏里历史学会(Missouri Historical Society)于2015年11月接管了该博物馆的运营,并于2016年开始了一项耗资3000万美元的重建计划. Thanks to the renovation, 该网站现在的展览空间增加了一倍多, 入口处的四个标志性的沃克·汉考克雕塑没有煤尘和嵌入的污垢, 该建筑获得了leed金牌级认证,并且在该建筑历史上首次符合美国残疾人法的要求.

At the 尤利西斯S. 格兰特国家历史遗址,您可以在导游的带领下游览怀特黑文.

他是内战的胜利者,拯救了联邦,也是美国第18任总统, 尤利西斯S. 格兰特于1848年与茱莉亚·登特结婚,并于1854年至1859年住在她位于怀特黑文的家中. At the 尤利西斯S. 格兰特国家历史遗址,您可以在导游的带领下游览怀特黑文, 在南北战争前由被奴役的非裔美国人劳动力经营. 公园博物馆坐落在一个由格兰特设计的历史悠久的马厩里,有六个永久性展品,深入挖掘了尤利西斯S丰富多样的历史和文化. Grant National Historic Site. We also recommend watching the 22-minute orientation film, 能让十大彩票网赌平台更深入地十大最大的网络彩票平台格兰特的兵役和两届总统任期.